Please check out some photos of my exchange by copy and pasting this page into your address bar. Enjoy the photos!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Isaac Peral: Day One

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to send out a quick little e-mail to you guys and let you know about my first day of school... It was great!
School was from 8:30- 2:00. I drove there with my mom, host brother (Miguel), host sister (Blanca), and my friend and neighbor (Susana). When I got there my host mom introduced me to the secretary and a few teachers and we quickly settled a few of my scheduling conflicts. I was really happy because so many friends that I had met this summer greeted me at school and they remembered me! I went into my class with my friends and saw many familiar faces from my orientation of the class. I also met a new girl today who is in almost all of my classes! The only other exchange in my school from Belgium. She's 17, but I think she came to Spain more on her free will than with a program. Her Spanish is a little bit better than mine, but when we buddy-up we understand a lot more together.
All my classes are about 50 minutes, and I have six classes with a half hour "recess" in the middle. "Recess" is where we can walk around the campus and eat snacks or something. My first class of the day was Economia (Economy) I understood basically nothing in this class. Next was Infomatica (Technology). It was in a separate building with many computers. I'm not really sure what this class is supposed to teach but I won't be having it again. Luckily after a pleasant conversation with my favorite teacher (THE ENGLISH TEACHER, OF COURSE) I am now switched into a second English class instead of Informatica. Thank goodness! After Informatica, my last class before recess was Science. I understood hardly anything in this class, except that we are learning neuroscience and that it's really difficult. Then I had recess and got some snacks with my friends. Everyone was introducing me to people and talking to me and I had a really great time!
After the break I had a really great line up of classes. Starting with 50 minutes of Latin y Griego (Latin and Greek). I loved this class with the two languages in one. I already knew all the Latin that he mentioned and the teacher said I had the best Latin pronunciation and for once I felt really smart! After a great class of Latin and Greek was the best class of the day... ENGLISH! I LOVED IT! My teachers name is Susana and we get along great! She's the teacher who helped me switch out of Informatica and into more English in the morning. Susana told the whole class that she wants everyone to talk to me and that I can help them with whatever they need. She also said if I do their homework for them she'll kill me! Ha-ha! I reassured her that I will ONLY HELP. I have a review exam in English tomorrow and I can't wait! After the best class of my life was Lengua. Lengua is like "English" or "Language Arts" in America. I'm slightly concerned about this class because my Spanish comprehension skills are pretty sub par and until they get better I'm sure I won't pass. The teacher seemed pretty nice and I think he understands my situation being a foreign exchange and all so I'm not overly concerned. Well that pretty much rapped up my first day of school. Afterwards I walked home with some friends, had lunch, and here I am writing to tell about it!
I hope everyone keeps in touch! I miss you all! Love from Spain!
Xoxo, Hana

Friday, September 4, 2009

10 Days

Today is my tenth day in Spain. With that in mind, I thought I would make a blog post and give everyone a little check-in.
Everything here is going well for me. I have a lot of friends and everyone seems to know about me, even before I meet them. Although the town I'm living in seems to be big to me, I guess it's not really that different from what I'm used to on the Maine coast, where everyone knows all the major gossip and words spread quick.
Yesterday, I met the most lovely woman! My sister and I went this woman's work, she works in a center that teaches English. She and her husband are also Rotarians. She is going to be my tutor and it was really nice to talk to her. I look forward to more meetings with her in the near future after my first Rotary International orientation in Madrid (on September 11th) I can't wait!
Two days ago, I went to Madrid center with about fifteen friends and we went to a mall. It was really fun. We had a great time, and I got in my quick Starbucks fix... Life is good.
One thing that I was really nervous about at first before I came to Spain was the food, but I love it here! Everything is so delicious! Mom and dad, I am trying new things! Can you believe it?
In so many ways, my life here is completely different from in America, but I am starting to notice things that I think are just universal... For examples, behaviors.
I love my host family! I'm pretty sure they like me, we laugh a lot. I make a lot of speech mistakes, but that is expected. My family is so hospitable and my sister and friends keep me busy with plenty of events to go to.
Hoping all is well with all my family, friends, and readers.
Xoxo, Hana